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Crew 167

Venturing Crew 167


  1. Crew Purpose:

The purpose of Crew 167 is to provide a safe environment for teens and young adults to experience adventurous activities, personal growth, leadership, and service to the community. 

2. Business Rules:

  1. The members of the crew will meet at Good Shepherd Church on the 1st and 3rd (and occasionally the 5th) Tuesdays of each month. This does not include a crew outing.

  2. The members of the crew will participate in at least one crew outing a month, whenever possible.

  3. Officers are required to attend at least 80% of the crew meetings and outings that occur in their term.

  4. Decision making:

A. Any and all decisions regarding regular crew functions shall be decided by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all crew members in good standing. For the consensus to be valid, at least 50% of the crew’s members must be present and vote. 

B. If for any reason a consensus of the crew cannot be reached due to time constraints and/or an insufficient number of crew members are present, then the President of the crew is authorized to call a Crew Officer’s Meeting (that must consist of at least 2 other crew officers) and the consensus will be reached by the end of that meeting.

  1. Any and all proposals for crew activities must be submitted in written form to the Crew President prior to the next Crew Meeting at which it will be discussed during New Business. If time constraints do not allow the aforementioned process, the procedure will follow as described in Section 2.4B of the Crew Bylaws. 

  2. Dues: Each member of Crew 167 will be required to pay dues on a yearly basis (in March). These dues will equal a sum of $25 per youth and $5 per registered adult and will be used to pay for fundamental necessities needed to run the crew. 

3. Crew Elections and Leadership Roles:

  1. Crew elections should occur twice each year (generally in June and December) and require at least two-thirds of the crew to be in attendance for an election to occur. Youth should be available to serve in their positions for the duration of their term. Youth may not serve more than two consecutive terms in any one leadership position. For example, a Venturer may serve two terms as President then serve one or two terms in another position before being eligible to serve as the President again.

  2. Any member of the crew may nominate another eligible member for office.  The nomination will then be seconded by another member, and the nominee must agree to serve.  If there are multiple nominees, then their names will go on a ballot and crew members will vote, whoever has the larger number of votes will be elected.  If there is only one nominee, then a simple majority will decide if they take office.  

  3. The terms of office for President, Vice President of Program, Vice President of Administration, Treasurer, and Bee Chief shall be 12 months (June to June), and all other leadership roles will serve 6-month terms (June to December or December to June).

  4. Crew officers will include the following:

    1. President – the Crew President will serve as a youth leader and is elected by the youth members. Nominees for crew President must have at least 6 months of Venturing experience AND have completed National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), OR have at least 12 months cumulative Venturing experience. If no Venturers meet the experience requirement, the crew Advisors will appoint the President.

    2. Vice President of Administration – the VP of Administration is elected by the youth members and is the admin officer.  They will lead the recruiting efforts and manages the recognition of the crew. Nominees for this position must have at least 6 months of Venturing experience.

    3. Vice President of Program – the VP of Program will be elected by the youth members and manages the development of a program that meets the needs and interests of the crew members. Nominees for this position must have at least 6 months of Venturing experience.

    4. Vice President of Communications (Secretary) – the crew Secretary serves as the youth record-keeper and social media champion.  They will be elected by the youth members and is responsible for keeping attendance records, written correspondences, records, and meeting minutes showing plans and publicity. Nominees for this position must have at least 6 months of Venturing experience.

    5. Treasurer – the crew Treasurer serves as the youth financial officer, they will be elected by the youth members and is responsible for keeping accurate records of the incomes and expenditures of the crew’s funds. Nominees for this position must have at least 6 months of Venturing experience.

    6. Quartermaster – the crew Quartermaster keeps track of the crew’s equipment and sees it’s in good working conditions.  Prior to outings they will issue equipment and make sure it is returned in good condition. Nominees for this position must have at least 6 months of Venturing experience.

    7.  Chaplain’s Aide - The Chaplain’s Aide's position is to promote a greater understanding of and appreciation for all religions. Offer meaningful non-denominational prayers and grace. Lead the Scout Oath and Law and pledge of allegiance at meetings and events.

    8. Order of the Arrow (OA) Representative – the OA Representative is elected by the youth members of the OA for a one-year term. 

    9. Historian – the Historian collects and preserves memorabilia, press releases, photos, and other data of historical significance to the crew. Maintains information about crew activities and members. Maintains the crew website and Instagram account.

    10. Guide - The Crew Guide serves as a buddy for new Venturers, assisting their understanding of the Venturing program and participation in crew activities. Nominees for this position must have at least 6 months of Venturing experience.


  1. Bee Chief - the Bee Chief organizes hive maintenance and care as well as honey sales. They maintain the schedule for regular monthly bee hive maintenance coordinating with the youth and the Sternbergs.

  1. Each youth leadership role will be supported by a registered adult member of the crew to provide advice and guidance.

  2. Officers may delegate tasks to non-office-holding members as appropriate.

  3. Officers will be required to keep a notebook of records and requirements.  When their term has been completed, it will go to the next officer. 

  4. Each youth serving in a leadership position must attend Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC) training within 30 days of the election.

4. Disciplinary Actions:

  1. The Crew will have a discipline committee (DC) consisting of five members. The DC will include the Crew President, the Vice President of Administration, one non-officer Crew member chosen by the Advisor, the Crew Advisor, and the Crew Committee Chairman. If any of the youth members of the DC are up for disciplinary review, the Advisor will designate another Crew member to replace the DC member who is accused to conduct the discipline assessment and vote.

  2. Offenses can be brought forward to the DC by crew members, the Crew Advisor, or Crew Committee members.

  3. All accused members have the right to provide an explanation to their side of a rule violation. 

  4. The DC will vote on the charges of rule violations.  The DC members will base disciplinary findings and associated disciplinary actions on a simple majority vote.

  5. The following disciplinary actions will be used when Standard Crew rules are not adhered to within the period of one year:

  1. First Offense – Verbal and written warning will be made to the crew member by the Crew President. 

  2. Second Offense – Written notification and Crew member’s parents are notified by the Crew Committee Chairperson.

  3. Third Offense – Suspended from two outings. Parent(s) meeting required with the Crew President, the Crew Advisor, and the Committee Chair.

  4. Fourth Offense – Grounds for expulsion from the Crew pending the DC review and vote. The DC may choose to set up a set of conditions and actions for members to return to good standing with the Crew. If the DC votes to expel the local BSA Council Office will be notified.

  1.  The following disciplinary actions will be used when the Special Case Crew rules are not adhered to:

  1. First Offense – Grounds for expulsion from the Crew pending the DC review and vote. The DC may choose to set up a set of conditions and actions for members to return to good standing with the Crew. If the DC votes to expel the local BSA Council Office will be notified.

  2. Second Offense – Automatic expulsion from the Crew and the local BSA Council Office will be notified.


5. Rules of Behavior:

  1. Standard Rules of Behavior:

    1. Crew members, including youth and adults, must strive to live by the Scout Oath and Law, and abide by the Venturing By-laws set by BSA National Venturing Council and as set by this crew.

    2. Crew members, including youth and adults, will always treat fellow crew members with courtesy and respect. 

    3. Respect and protect everyone’s property.  Return what is not yours to its owner.

    4. Any personal items brought to a Venturing outing are the member’s responsibility.  If the property turns up missing, the owner should report it missing to a crew officer who will immediately inform the Crew Advisor or another adult in charge of the outing.

    5. Let an adult (Crew Advisor, Committee Member, Instructor, etc.) know right away if you get hurt during a meeting or outing.  

    6. Adhere to the crew dress code (defined by these by-laws).

    7. All crew members will follow directions given to them by crew officers unless deemed inappropriate or unsafe, in which case the directive will be taken to an advisor immediately for review and assessment.

    8. All crew members will follow the rules of “Leave no Trace” when outdoors.

    9. No crew member will be forced to participate in any activity against their will.

    10. If another crew member asks for help, and one possesses the ability to help, they should do so.

    11. ALL crew members and advisors or adults on a campout or outing are expected to participate in the camp cleanup.

    12. At NO time will violence, bullying, hazing, etc. be tolerated at ANY Venturing activity.  This includes the cyber world, as well.  Any activities should be reported to the Crew Advisor.

    13. Crew members and adults will not engage in knife play or knife throwing.  ALL members are to abide by the “Blood Circle” precautions.

    14. Crew members will not light a fire indoors, at any time.

  2. Co-Ed Behavior Rules:

    1. Use Common Sense!

    2. No going off alone as a couple.

    3. When females are using unisex bathroom facilities, males are not allowed, and vice-versa.

    4. No entering the domiciles (tents, dorms, rooms, cabins, etc.) of the opposite gender. 

    5. Public Displays of Affection or PDA (hugging, kissing, back-pocketing, hand-holding, etc.) are not permitted when in a public setting while wearing a Class A uniform.

    6. No Co-Ed buddy system.

    7. The “truddy” (tri-buddy) system is to be used if different genders are leaving a crew encampment, crew meeting, hike or other crew activities one at a time.  The truddy system is defined as a group of two females and one male, or two males and one female.  Under NO circumstances will a female and a male leave the encampment when camping or the crew is hiking.

    8. Hand-holding is allowed at crew meetings and outings, when not in Class A uniforms, unless such behavior becomes problematic upon discretion of attending adult Crew Advisors and/or Committee Members.

    9. Clinging to one another instead of participating in an activity or interacting with one another is not acceptable. 

  3. Technology Rules:

    1. There will be no social media postings without the consent of the Crew President, the Crew Advisor, and the crew members.

    2. Electronic devices are limited to cell phones when on an outing, traveling, and during outdoor activities.  The exception to this rule is during training exercises and events when tablets and laptops can be used to support the delivery of training content.

    3. Music, videos, and other electronic media are not to be played over speakers during travel and hikes.  Ear buds and headphones may be used when determined appropriate by attending Crew Advisors.

  4. Special Case Rules:

    1. Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use Policy – Crew members shall neither use nor possess alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, and/or prescription drugs that are not prescribed to that member or drug use paraphernalia during any Venturing activities.

    2. Crew members taking prescribed medication(s) must inform an attending Crew Advisor and/or Crew Committee Member serving as the Crew First Aid resource on a trip (or outing) of the medication(s) present and in use at that outing before the actual outing.

  5. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action as defined by these by-laws.


6. Dress Code: 

  1. Class A (or Field) uniform consists of the following:

    • Green Venturing shirt with all applicable patches and insignia

    • Grey shorts or pants

    • Belt

    • Closed toe shoes


Class A uniforms will be worn at the following times:

  • Crew meetings, or as determined by the President

  • Boards of Review or Courts of Honor

  • Traveling to/from Venturing activities and events

  • As required during District/Council/Order of the Arrow (OA) events


  1. Class B (or Activity) uniform consists of the following:

    • Crew T-shirt or hoodie

    • Activity-appropriate pants or shorts

    • Closed toe shoes

Class B uniforms will be worn at the following times:

  • Outdoor activities

  • As required during District/Council/OA events


  1. No sagging pants are allowed and no underwear showing. 

  2. No low cut shirts or short shorts or anything that would otherwise be deemed “distracting” to members of the opposite gender.

  3. Females are required to wear one piece swimming suits for water activities.

  4. No provocative, suggestive, or profane articles of clothing shall be worn at any crew meeting or at any crew event.


7.Safety Rules and Guidelines:

  1. As a minimum, the crew will abide by the rules, regulations, and policies set by the Boy Scouts of America.  Particular attention will be paid to the guidelines published in BSA’s Guide to Safe Scouting.  The buddy/truddy system will be used at all times during crew activities.  Individuals desiring to tent alone must do so within easy sight and sound of the rest of the crew and the advisors.  Gear will be searched when necessary to ensure the safety of the crew and its members.

8. Youth Driver Policy:

  1. Driving to and from crew meetings – crew members may drive themselves to and from crew meetings according to the provisions of their license.  Driving to or from a standard meeting place is not an official Scouting activity.  Crew members should practice safe driving habits but are neither prohibited from nor required to drive to and from unit meetings. 

  2. Driving to and from Scouting events – crew members under age 18 are not insured under the BSA’s commercial general liability policy and cannot be allowed to drive to or from Scouting activities. This includes an under-18 Venturer driving themselves to a Scouting event, even if they are the only one in the car. This includes short trips across town and long trips across the country.

9. Revisions and Changes to Crew By-laws:

  1. Crew 167’s by-laws may be amended, have items added to, items removed, or items reworded at any time by a two-thirds majority vote and approval of the Crew Advisor and Crew Committee Chairman.

  2. Proposed changes to the by-laws must be submitted in written form and read at a standard crew meeting during “New Business”.

  3. A discussion regarding a change to the by-laws will be held before any vote takes place.

  4. Crew 167’s by-laws will be reviewed and revised annually for applicability and currency to the BSA and Crew 167’s functional operations.  This review should occur within three months of the June election.

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